C for Cupcakes

Selasa, 08 November 2011

Zen-O Grand Opening on 17th September 2011!!!

Zen-O (Healhy Family Reflexology & Massage) has now opened! Location: Jl. Surya Wijaya Blok X no.35, Jakarta Barat. Their services include reflexology, traditional massage, ear candle, totok wajah, lulur, kerok, dll..Buruann cobain ya guys. Sekalian promosi nih :) hehehe Wish Zen-O a great success ahead! Thank you Zen-O for ordering^^ We have also received a great and positive feedback from their own customer :D Thank you Thank you.

Star Wars

Anak cewe jg ngefan angry bird :)

Jillian, jg ga kalah ngefans nya ama Angry bird. Penggemar Angry bird satu ini request sendiri ke maminya kue nya mau gmn, lucu bgt yahh..ampe cupcake satuan jg mau yg 3d figur, ga mau yg simple 2d with buttercream. Anyway, this turns out girly beautiful version of Angry Birds for Jillian. Happy 2nd Birthday dear Jillian.

Mr. Wewe, the blackberry store owner!

Happy Birhday to Wewe, Semoga bisnis nya lancar terus ya :) Ini yg order keknya cewe nya, requestnya sgla macem bb dimasukin; javelin, bold, onyx, torch jg mau hehehe saking bingungnya, dgn sndiri C4Cupake jg memasukan kotak blackberry, perintilan" kecil sprti bb charger, cds and macem" hehhee

Boys stuff

Mainan anak laki" ga jauh" nih dr mobil hehehe Anakna demen segala macem mobil, jdnya dikasi dr ferrari, truk, mobil polisi smua nya dimasukinn ^^ Edbert nya seneng bgt pas nerima cupcake ini, mobilnya ampir mau dicopotin smua buat main :P

Mr. Bean in action!

Happy Bday Jane

Ini diorder dr temen untuk ade cewenya yg baru memulai karir sbgai dokter :) Happy birthday and wish you success dear,,

Angel Love

The time when 2 order is for the same person.

Happy Birthday to Grace. Funny Story, jadi pas Grae bday ini, ada customer lain yg mesen cupcake 9 minta temanya sama tas" gini, trus permintaannya sama pokoknya anak cewe demen bgt ama tas epeciall Juicy Couture. Nah, tadinya masi ga kepikiran kirain pa"an aja gitu..since this one did not say anything abt the name, they only request to write as HBD.. After a while, C4Cupcake baru ngerasa trnyta on that day orderan dr customer berbeda ditujukan pd org yg sama, dearest Grace, krn minta dianterna ke alama yg sama hehehe what a coincidence..

First Batch of C4Cupcake Classes

Setelah brp lama dimintain terus ama customer' utk mengadakan kelas figurin dasar cupcake, akhirnya dimulai jg. Tadinya masi ga pede heheh tpi kl ga dicoba jg ga tau bakal gimana. Pas buka pendaftaran uda ada lgsg 6org yg ngedaftar ikut kelas hihihihih Thank you ya owen,pene,sally,ci firly n ci sylvi.. hope you guys gain knowledge and skill from the class ^^ Ini nih suasana 3days classes C4Cupcake.. mejanya uda kek kapal pecah pada seru"an semua hihihihi yukkk bagi yg mau ikut kelas, kontak lgsg aja ya utk info lanjut di BB pin: 2767B061, or SMS: 082113261900. 

Pacaran yuk beb di pantai :P

Lucuu bgt couple ini bedua sepertinya demen bgt relaxing in the beach ampe" minta tema cupcake nya suasana pantaii.. trus birthday ama wedding jatoh di tanggal  yg sama, tpi ampe skrg jg ga tau yg bday itu clay atau pao nya hehhe.. anyway wish clay and pao have a happy birthday and wedding :)

Happy 33rd birthday to mas Manji.

Mba wina, thank you ya for the order. Tadinya C4cupcake jg ga ngeh kalo trnyta orderan ini untuk singer mas manji, pas tau suprised jg heheh seneng kalangan artis uda mulai mengenal C4Cupcake .. asikkk .. nih ada fotonya mas manji ama cupcake C4cupcake :)

Back to Basic Purse Cupcake

Most Favourite Cupcake order nih, girly bgt shopping bag, luxury handbags hehhe keknya rata" smua cewe hobinya sama ya :P

Global Walk Event at Monas, Jakarta

 Ini orderan pas Global Walk Event 2011 yg diadakan di Monas,Jakarta. Panitia nya mesen 3 set, untuk chica,hudson ama the brothers. Hudson nya pngn ngikut kursus C4Cupcake setelah mendapat Thank you cupcake ini. hahhaha ditunggu ya mas Hudson ^^.. ( tpi keknya sibuk show terus ya) gpp deh, yg penting pada suka ama cupcakenya C4Cupcakes.
..Berikutnya foto" spg nya C4Cupcake yah :P ...

Global walk event nya mulai dr jam 6 pagi, pagiiiiii bgt >.< acaranya ampe jam 2 siang, seusai acara, yang pasti capenyaaaaa minta ampun.. tpi its all worth it.. Hopefully C4Cupake will be known to all range of people and area.. Ditunggu orderan nya yah people..thanks for visiting our booth ^^

The twin's birthday

Bbrp bulan yg lalu temannya si kembar mesen cupcake hanya krn iseng" aja pngn ngasi, kalo kali ini emang the twin's birthdayy hehhehe.. Happy Birthday to Hansen and Wilsen!!

Senin, 07 November 2011

Alice in the wonderland cupcake version

Akhirnya ada yg mesen tema Alice in the wonderland versi cupcake. Tapi liat aja hiasannya ampe mau meledak, soalnya kl dipilih" dan smua karakter nya ga masuk, kesannya ga sperti Alice in the wonderland. Makanya, hasilnya rame begini :) Yg penting, customer yg order seneng bgt :D Million thanks to our dearest customer

Guess who these people are..? ? ?

Yuk main tebak"an.. Maren ad customer yg order cupcake set 4 ini soalnya dia penggemar bgt ama ke empat" karakter" diatas. Hayoo tebak siapa mereka?.. :) Hint: Hollywood Celebrities

For Papa who loves travelling so much

Hermes Kelly Chocolate Mudcake

Maren" hermes birkin mulu, nahh skrg giliran herme kelly nih, mama nya customer demen bgt wrna hijau, ampe kelly nya aja warna hijau heheh..happy birthday ya, hope you love the cake ^^

Happy Birthday Mommy

Tinkerbell for 5year old Gwyneth

The oldest age birthday cake so far

Sheng Ri Kuai Le Akong hehehe 86 years old is the oldest by far we have received for birhday cake

Mini Geisha

kawaiiiiiiii >.< this is the cutest geisha everrrr.. loving it as much as doing it, seneng bgt terima orderan ini, soalnya tema nya beda bgtt..thank you for ordering my dearest customer whoever you are :p

Happy birthday to the captain

weehee dpt orderan dari yg kerja di Garuda Airline nih ( walaupun yg bikin jg bingung kenapa bee nya direquest hehhe) :P. Oh well anyway, Happy birhday Captain Arso !!

Congratulations, Julsan!

Congrats to Julsan. Sepertinya baru mulai merintis usaha baju hehhe anyway, success for your future career Julsan ^^

Orderan Mrs.Marcella Zalianty' s 40days son

Orderan mba Artika Sari Devi untuk anaknya mba Marcella Zalianty yg udah 40hari ^^.. Senengnya kl C4Cupcake dpt orderan dr kalangan artis terus, berdoa terus ahhh...Amin :)

Orderan pertama angry birds

Orderan pertama C4Cupcake untuk tema angry bird. Cake nya ukuran 24cm + 6cupcake dengan hiasan 2d Angry bird. Untuk info harga, kontak kt langsung aja ya. Thanks :)

Happy Birthday, SIR!

Redina thank you for ordering ^^ Baru nge-add bb pin uda lgsg booked cupcake set 6 buat papinya ama set 12 buat pacarnya. C4Cupcake personally love the dad's uniform. Thank you Redina, ditunggu lagi ya orderan berikutnya.

One of the many adventures of Winnie the Pooh Cake

Happy 1 year old to Raja Fariano ;)

Hermes Second Order

C4Cupcake received the second order for Hermes Birkin Bag and it was a complete success.. The first one was not measured at all, hence the so-not-alike birkin bag cake. But this time, hoorayyyy its absolutely beautiful. . . :D C4Cupcake would love to accept any challenges for any kind of bags cake ordered ^^ will be waiting . . .

Its all about anniversary

Bukan hanya birthday aja,skrg pada byk yg mesen for anniversary ^^ senengnya tema nya jadi berbeda..yukk tunggu apa lagi, cepetan order your custom-made cupcake hihihi